
    Kokonaissumma (inc. ALV)

    Rekisteröidy uutiskirjeeseemme

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    Toimitus & Maksu

    Phone Case Wavy Lemonade/Transparent iPhone 16 Pro Max
    Phone Case Wavy Lemonade/Transparent iPhone 16 Pro Max
    Phone Case Wavy Lemonade/Transparent iPhone 16 Pro Max

    Wavy Case

    Phone Case Wavy Lemonade/Transparent iPhone 16 Pro Max



    Turvalliset maksut & Nopea toimitus!

    • This Wavy Case offers the perfect mix of style and function. It is made from 100% recycled, GRS-certified TPU/PC and features a hard, smooth surface. The wavy, playful silhouette that wraps around the phone's edges provides extra protection and sits comfortably in the hand.
      • 100 % kierrätysmateriaali
      • Kestävä ja hyvin otetta tarjoava
      • Iskua vaimentava
      • Tukee langatonta latausta
      • Materiaali: TPU/PC
    • The Wavy Case is made of 100% recycled materials (PC, PET, and TPU). The materials are GRS certified (Global Recycle Standard), which means that the recycling process is monitored for environmental impact, chemicals, and the working environment. Our entire range is vegan and PETA-approved. PC (polycarbonate) PET (thermoplastic polyester) TPU (thermoplastic rubber)